Western Life from Leavenworth, Kansas (2024)

I J. 1. A tarsi attsxpt at bask robbtry was successfully foiled her today, pos sibly through the sound discretion .1 were a cf lit In the party, but moat cf tie man were sentenced for abort Joseph Johnson, a colored man, who was brought to serve twenty year for burglary and grand larceny, was released from the same prison three weeks ago. He went of the chief at the office ot the Western Telegraph company. A man who gave hia name as J.

M. Lunstord advised the cashier ot the Capital, Bank Trust company Of this city that be had on deposit In a bank in Mexico over $60,000 in The Largest and Most Suc- court today V'the motion for rehearing of Myers, sen-1 to be hanged on June 29 for rder ot ber husband In Kan-Cty, two yean Folk said be would the condemned woman a re-i Friday of either thirty or sixty in order to permit time for an -ligation into the facts of the i and to determine whether or to commute her sentence to life risonment. -he supreme' court's decision also the caw ot Frank Hottman, condemned accomplice of Aggie irs, and he will be granted a by Governor Folk when the sentence is respited. -din, and requested the bank of ficial to word a telegram asking tor a transference of the money from cessful Business College the Mexican 'bank to the Central Bank ft Trust company. The cashier wrote the telegram, but A Monthly Magaaine DevoU.1 Use of English.

JOSEPHINE TURCK BAKER, Editor. Partial Contents for This Month: Course in English for the Beginner. Course in English for the Advanced Pupil. How to increase one's Vocabulary The art of Conversation. Should and would: How to Usa Them.

Pronunciations (Century Diction-ary). Correct English in the Home. Correct English in the School. What to Say and What not to Say. Course in Letter-Writtlng and Punctuations.

Alphabetic list of Abbreviations. Business English for the Business Man. Compound Words: How to WriU 'i hem. Studies in English Literature. AGENTS WANTED.

11.00 a Year. Send 10 centa for Sample Copy. CORRECT ENGLISH, Evanston, 111. passed it over the window for the man to sign. Leavenworth in direct to South McAleater, I.

and proceeded to rob a number of houses'. He pleaded guilty and was sentenced forthwith. It is said that he committed his offense purely with the intention of getting back in prison, as he found that a better borne than hia home in the Territory. He served before under the name of Joe Jones. Thomas Wright, brought to prison to serve five years for burglary, attempted to get away at Parsons yesterday.

He broke his shackles, but was detected before he could make his escape. It is claimed that Wright killed a man In Kansas City three years ago and when he finishes his sentence at the Federal prison he will be, taken to Kansas City to answer for the crime. left the; bank and pro ceeded to the, Western Union Telegraph office. Arriving there he told ioo nomas vompiaceni. IVA.tn Wj.

Tun. A Mm 1 SIMMER RATES -ARE LOW. the clerk that he wrote a miserable band and requested the young man to write and sign a message to his dictation. The message was writ juvl( wuuv i. IV Myers, who is in the county Jail tera received with evident satlsfac-' today the news that the gov-rnor bad promised to grant her a in order to investigate ber 3e further to determine whether not her sentence should be com y.

ten and addressed to the State Bank A Trust company of San Marcos and directed that institution to honor the check of J. M. Lunstord for $20, 000. It was signed by the stranger. GOV.

PATTISON DEAD. Reaching the chief operator for TAKE ADVANTAGE AND JOIN NOW. Expert Stenographers always here from 8:30 a. m. to do prompt and accurate transient work, very reasonable.

'i Old Telephone 168. Residence .0 mi.i.-. 1 tr rr rn "ii i i j.n ti rt 1 rn transmission the dispatch, was held Cincinnati, June 19. John M. Pattlson, governor of Ohio, died of Brlght's disease at 4:20 o'clock yes up and on communication with the bank attempted fraud was discov mute.

io me imprisonment. Later, told that the supreme court ad overruled the motion for a rehearing, she took the matter calmly. tWitions to Governor Folk, ask- him to commute Mrs. Myers' lentenoe to life imprisonment are jCtin being circulated. terday afternoon at his residence in ered.

The man who went under the name, bt Lunstord, however, had by that time disappeared. leiepnone ivio or toy. ixmege located at 4it Delaware i-ixeec, sra jciopr ernment, calling for the arrest ot Mrs. Fenwick. on charge of kidnaping the children, Reita Sully, from Maiden, and Mabel Sully, from Montreal.

Mtltord, fifteen miles east of this city. On a beautiful hillside near his home his body will be laid to rest on Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock, He was caught by the chief of po Death Watch For Hottman. Mail Questions Answered Promptly. lice at the State's Union hotel near the depot where he was asleep. He at first said that his name was Lunstord, but immediately retracted after services in the Methodist church.

One week ago the governor REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. his statement, saying that his name was Bob Sanders. He further stated i-anas uy, June 19. Frank Sottman, the murderer of Clarence layers, was placed in the death cell ithis morning and a death watch was placed over him. He is not worried over the out-tome of the sentence of death, and was carried into his home, from which he had gone, five months before, to his inauguration as chief executive of the state, the intervening that the man Lunsford was a con time having been spent on a bed of was a candidate.

Peeler asks for $1,000 damages. federate who had promised him $500 for successfully carrying out the swindling project He was taken to the county Jail. pain. His death came suddenly, and was STOPS A ROBBERY. lor a second time in the past week, 'ixpressed himself yesterday as satis-led that both he and Mrs.

Myers would be granted commutation. Rael eBtate transfers, June 19, furnished by the abstractor, N. H. Wood, room 25, Ryan block. J.

H. Groene and wife to K. C. W. R.

Co. 1-4 acre in N. E. 1-4, Sec. 33, T.

9, R. 23, 2,500. M. O'Mara to James O'Mara, lota 17, 18, block 95, Day and Maculay'a addition, $1.00. Harry Coldren and wife to C.

W. Jack, lot 3, block 24, Central subdivision. $700. Tbos. F.

Klrby and wife to Peter Clark, lot block 25, R. R. addition, $85. unexpected even by his physicians and family. Early Sunday evening the governor suffered considerable acute pain, but later he sank into a DISTINGUISHED MASONS.

THIRD PRIZE If you are the first to send us the name, or man, of a person who you think will buy a Talking Machine and sale is made, you get a CASH PRIZE OF $3.00 Or a credit of Two Points on the Grand Prize below, a $60.00 Talking Machine. Take your choice. It will either make you $3.00, or may win this fine $60.00 Talking Machine. quiet sleep. At 10 o'clock Dr.

Belt Boston, June 18. Many distinguished Masons are here to take part in the triennial assembly made his usual morning visit and found his patient in a comatose state. The governor never rallied, of the General Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters, which and death came peacefully at 4:20. TjUENNIL ASSEMBLY. i Boston, June i'is; The first session of the thirty-third assembly' of the i General Grand Royal Arch Chapter of America was held In the Masonic temple this morning.

The first assembly of the organization was held in Boston on October 24, 1797. Lee Bond and wife to O. L. Ous- opened here this morning. The sessions are being held in the Masonic At the governor's bedside when he died were Mrs.

Pattlson and his two daughters, Misses Aletha and Ernes ler, lot 7, bldck 24, S. S. Park addition, $25. Zono- temple, while the Brunswick hotel Is the headquarters of the delegates. tine, and the nurses.

J. P. Carr et al executor to E. Mil Denver, June 19. John D.

Coffee, one time bank president and wealthy clubman of New York city, is an inmate of the "bullpen" in the city jail, where he awaits trial on charges of not supporting his children, preferred by the Humane society. He is addicted to drink, and his descent to habitual drunkenness Is said to have broken the heart of his wife and mother and caused their deaths. John Coffee was born In New York city thirty-two years ago. He was sent to Harvard university and studied to be a lawyer. Later he became the president of a bank there.

His ancestors were very wealthy and consequently he led a life of luxury and ease. He lived In a mansion on Fifth avenue with his beautiful young wife and attractive The body of the late Governor ler, N. 1-2 of S. E. 1-4, Sec.

3 and S. W. 1-4, of S. W. 1-4, Sec.

2, T. 11. Pattlson will not be taken to Colum MUSICAL FESTIVAL AT OTTAWA. R. 22, $9,000.

bus for a state funeral. His wishes and those of his family for a quiet phone Harrown Real Estate Co. to C. L. Ottawa, June 19.

The Ot NATIONS TAKE A HAND. tapers Obtained From' Government for Arrest of Mrs. Fenwick. Wulfekuhler, lots 7 and 8, block 6, Davis addition, $250. burial at home will be carried out.

Harris Takes Oath. tawa Chautauqua assembly, the most famous In, the west, will open tonight with a concert, in which Harrown Real Estate Co. to L. H. Zono- phone or I Colum- Jjks 'HS- bia or Prof.

Thorstenbiirg of Llndsborg Wulfekuhler, lots 9 and 10, block 6, Davis addition, $250. Eaton, June 19. The oath of office was administered to acting Governor Andrew L. Harris here last and Mme. Park iOf New York will take solo parts.

Already a city of tents has sprung jip at Forest park, USE ROTTEN CHICKENS. night by Judge Fisher of the com' mon pleas bench. Boston, June 19, An international phase has developed In the case of the Sully children of Maiden, taken to Denver, recently, by their aunt, Mrs. Bella Fenwick. Through efforts of British Ambassador Dur-ant, at Washington, papers have been obtained from the British gov- children, four in number.

Colunv and the enrollemnt in the camn Suddently he began drinking, and Joplln, June 19. That rot colony is growihgrapldly. The ses June drinking bard. He was a member of several clubs and nightly he would sions will continue until June 19. ten, diseased and vermin Infested fowls, some of which have lain in Andrew L.

Harris today declined to The program this year is largely piles for months and have been par bia tially devoured by rats, are used by make any formal statement regarding his policy, but it is maintained at the state house that he Is in accord with the late governor In many the packing houses in the manufac made up of musical numbers, and a feast of melody Is promised to visitors. "The Messiah" oratorio is the leading feature of the musical program. of the letter's plans. ture of potted chicken and other "delicacies" is the startling statement of Dr. E.

E. Wuttke of this Governor Mickey, of Nebraska will MISSOURI EPWORTH LEAGUE. city. Prime roast, corned and be the chief speaker on G. A.

R. day, which has been honored on previous occasions by the appearance Marlonville, June 19. The Send us a name at once. We sell Columbia, Zonophone, Victor, Edison. All makes, all styles, from $3.50 to $125.

Hear the different ones played side by side, then take your choice. Our enormous large stock to select from will please you. Get Into This, don't miss it, DITZELL MUSIC CO. LEAVENWORTH, KANS. opening session of the Springfield dried beef and sausages, according to the doctor, are made from floor sweepings.

Dr. Wuttke was for several years employed In the poultry department of a Kansas City packing house. of the late President McKlnley and John A. Logan. district Epworth League convention will be held in the Methodist church here tonight.

Dr. J. W. Stewart, In the art department pictures valued at $300,000 are on exhibition. The exhibit Includes original drawings by Frost, Gibson and Remington.

of Grace church, Springfield, will address the meeting. The sessions M. S. Grant, 612, 614, 616 Delaware Street. Leavenworth, Kansas.

Dealer in Farm Machinery, Garden and Field Seeds, Woods Harvesters, Binders, Mowers and Hay Studebaker Wagons, Carriages, Buggies, and Driving Wagons, Belleville Engines, and Threshers, Plows, Cultivators and Harrows. Nails, Hoes, Forks, Spades and Shovels. will continue three days. GALENA ELKS BUILD. Galena, June 19.

Work of the candidates had been my per ENTICED GIRLS. IS has commenced on the new $15,000 YERKES-MIZNER AFFAIR STILL ALIVE. club house which the Elks will erect John Falrweather of Kansas City, C. Cubbertson of Iola and T. B.

Old-royd of Arkansas City. W. Goodlander ot Fort Scott Is president of the association. St. Louis, June 19.

The sonal friends. To most ot them I was under personal and political obligations. This was particularly so as to Congressman Charles Curtis and J. L. Brlstow, but neither of here.

When completed it will be methods pursued by Thomas E. one of the finest in the state. Musgrove, a planter of Barfield, who is charged with peonage, will probably be aired in Justice be brought home In an Intoxicates state. His wife and mother sent him west to Denver, thinking that perhaps he would brace up here. He began traveling with a fast set here and soon was worse than ever.

His wife made him a visit here to see how her cure was working and when she discovered his condition took the next train back. Several days after her arrival In New York, she died, supposedly from a broken heart. His mother next came out here. After selling the magnificent mansion she brought the children and all his household goods to Denver. Finding her boy in the last stages of drunkenness, she soon tell HI and died, also ot a broken heart.

The children were left without a mother, or anyone to care for (hem, and at the order of the Humane society were placed in the Denver Orphans' home, where they have been ever since. Last night in front of his home, 37 West Ellsworth avenue, Mr. Coffee waa arrested on a complaint charging htm with failing to support his children. When arrested he was nearly dead drunk and had to be carried into the patrol. The Humane society preferred the complaint because Coffee has an income or more than $500 a month and does not give one cent of it toward the support of his children.

All is spent for liquor. When his mother died she left Coffee an estate valued at $30,000, and this, combined with his own, gives him enough money to keep his children in some respectable boarding school, instead of an orphans' asylum. A petition is now awaiting hearing in the county court, to appoint a guardian for him. CELEBRATE BUNKER) HILL DAY. these has taken any offense at my action." FOR SALE IN FORD COUNTY, KANSAS, THE FOLLOWING LAND: Spauldlng'S court today.

Musgrove GIRL MAY USE PERFUME. Lots 3, 4 and 5, and the South is alleged to have enticed several St. Louis girls to his plantation by false representations, and held them East of the North West of Discharged Shop Girl Wins Case Against Former Employer. against their will. 6-29-23, 160 acres, $1,000.

Lot 1 and the North East ot DEBS TO the North West of 19-27-23, 80 acres, $500. Meyer Coal and Boston, June 18. The anniversary of the battle of Bunker hill, which fell on Sunday, is being celebrated today by the people of Charlestown. A parade of floats and marchers clad in colonial costumes was held this morning. This afternoon a military and naval parade, including men from the naval vessels, marines, artillerymen and malitia, will march through the streets of historic Charlestown.

The celebration will close with an electrical parade Horton, June 19. Eugene The East Mi of the South East Transfer Company i of 14-25-25, 80 acres, $500. V. Debs, Socialist candidate for pres ldent in 1900, will lecture here to The South V4 of the South Wtst 's, Dealers In night under the auspices of the local West of 9-27-24, 40 acres, $250. Trr? Socialist club.


The South West ot the South East of 6-27-24, 40 acres. $250. The North West of the Nortn of 18-27-23, 80 acres, $500. E. JAMESON, Leavenworth.

Kans. All kinds of hauling done. I Chicago, June 19. Wilson Mlz-ner and his Mrs. Yerkes-Mlz-ner, are believed to have left Chicago last night or early today, reconciled and happy.

Both are missing. According to the statements of the servants at the Mlzner home, Mrs. Mizner has gone, leaving no word of her whereabouts. Clerks at the Auditorium hotel, where Mizner stopped during his brief stay in Chicago, were equally ignorant as to his movements since he dropped out of sight. Mizner arrived in Chicago yesterday and registered at the Auditorium hotel.

Mrs. Mizner has been here several weeks at her home on Michigan avenue. Both disappeared at the same time. Mizner, when asked what his destination was, said with great solemnity: Mizner's latest appearance in Chicago has every appearance of a Lochinvar spectacle, and his acquaintances declare that they would not be surprised to learn that he had gone to the Yerkes home and carried his wealthy bride off bodily and sped eastward or westward with her In real frontier fashion. "Mrs.

Mizner is not here," said a servant at the Yerkes home, tartly, today. "She Is not in the'houBe. I do not know where she went nor when. That's all." TnnafA all L-lnn FOR CHAMPIONSHIP. Harry H.

Hedrick, who was born and raised In Leavenworth, died in Co Bnanlalfu UAIV IVfl CUT A lITVfW own Kansas City, Saturday, at the age of oita wv nijjj oia, a 44 years. The deceased was known Phones 67. Indianapolis, Ind.v June 19. Sportsmen from all 'over the country are here to engage in the amateur and' professional shoots at the Grand American Shooting Handicap, which opened here yesterday on the range of the Indianapolis Gun elub. Berlin, June 19.

An interesting case has been decided by the Commercial court. The judge had to determine whether a girl employed as a clerk in a dry goods store could go to work exhaling an odorf' perfume. An employer who has a large store in the Landsberger-srasse discharged one of the girls because, despite his warnings, she persisted in appearing at the store in a sweetly scented condition. He declared that her mania for perfume was great that the odor permeated the whole establishment Not only were the other employes inconvenienced, but customers refused to be served by the young woman. The girl, who brought an action for wrongful dismissal, maintained that she only now and then used perfume.

For instance, when sne went, to the theater she would put a tew drops on her handkerchief and her blouse. She contended that the perfume was not disagreeable, but on the contrary It waa a flne extract. In order to substantiate this assertion she put a small bottle of the per fume in evidence. Some twenty of the girl's follow clerks gave testimony and the judge ruled in her favor, finding her employer and giving her $75 damages. by nearly everybody in Leavenworth and was popular among bis acquaintances.

He leaves a wife and five children. The funeral took place in Kansas City yesterday and was conducted by the Typographical MAY MUTUALIZE. The conditions for both amateur and CARLOAD OF PRISONERS. A batch ot twenty-nine desperate men arrived at the United States civil penitentiary this morning from South McAlester, I. T.

They came in one ot the special prison cars and were unloaded at the Union depot, being taken on to the Federal prison In a special electric car. The men were guarded on the trip from the Territory by United States Marshal George Prltchard and his deputies, union and the lodge of the Macca professional championship events are the same, callWg tor: 160 targets each, eighteen yards rise. bees. Mr. Hedrick was a brother-in- Premium Stamps WITH 1 COAL law of Al.

Stuchberry of Leaven worth. HOCH IS NOT UNGRATEFUL. DISCUSS BOAT LINE. New York, June 18. A speoial meeting of the stockholders of the Equitable Life Assurance society is being held In this city to day to consider the mutualizatlon plan.

Final action will probably be taken Wednesday. The amended charter of the society provides a majority of its directors shall be policy holders. Paul Morton is president of the society. Judge William Day first vice president and Gage E. Tarbell second vice president Kansas City, June It.

A mass meeting ot citlsens will be held He Says, in Answer to Criticism on 1 Appointment of Benson. AT in the rooms of the Commercial 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE DONOVANS. CHARGES CONSPIRACY, club tonight to discuss the Missouri river boat line project 1 It is expected that all lines of business will be represented at the meeting, and Tbpeka, June 19 Governor Hoch in answer to some public criticism of his recent appointment of Judge A. W. Benson as United States senator to succeed Joseph R.

Burton that the proposed measure for reduc' ing the cost of freight transporta KANSAS UNDERTAKERS MEET. mFRACTIONIST R. L. BEAUMONT. Trsdi Mark.

DrtiAMl yesterday issued a lengthy statement In defense ot his action. In part tion will receive a decided impetus. Autom mining lUtcD uta owcrin the governor said: "I am not ungrateful to any one. Limiting practice to Eye Glass Fitting and making. Offices But it is Impossible for a governor Butle, June 19.

The boxes containing the ballots cast at the late Democratic primary la this county will be opened todaj by order ot Judge Denton ot the circuit court, and the ballots counted. This action is due to a suit tiled by D. D. Peeler, who Alleges that J. A.

Coombs, late chairman of the Democratic committee, and J. Angle, Democratic nominee for sheriff, conspired to defraud him of the nomination for sheriff, for which he Mnt fros. Old modcj for leoorlnfMUn PttwU Ukn throuih Munn A Co. roc monthly at the National Hotel CELEBRATE EMANCIPATION. Houston, Texas, July 19.

Negroes from all over Southern Texas, are here to celebrate emancipation today. An industrial street parade with dosens of floats In line was the chief feature of today's celebration. A flower parade will be gives to pay all his personal and political obligations with political appoint Wichita, June 19. Nearly 100 delegates are in attendance at the annual convention of the Kansas Funeral Directors' association, which opened here this morning. The sessions will continue until Thursday.

Papers on embalming will be read by C. W. Goodlander of Fort Scott. W. P.

Raymond and DO YOU WANT A BABY? If you haven't a baby ot your own and want to adopt one, see Dr. Stewarn McKee. He has a bright eyed, seven pound girl baby, born on June 15, which you can have for the asking. The baby has black hair and eyes an dls very pretty. ments.

Write to Sixth and Felix, St Joseph, for date of next Leavenworth days. Kansas City, Leavenworth, Atchison and 8t Joseph. Scientific JIr.ericai A hnwlr moirtrt fktr. Iwmteto-culallnn of Any (Metallic JournmL Tamil. II u-t rar ponib, 11.

BoMbfati Una OBov, Ot at. Wtshlftftov, AC. "The most difficult and delicate duty devolved upon me In the, solution ot this senatorial problem. All.

Western Life from Leavenworth, Kansas (2024)


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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

Address: Suite 927 930 Kilback Radial, Candidaville, TN 87795

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Job: Legacy Manufacturing Specialist

Hobby: Singing, Mountain biking, Water sports, Water sports, Taxidermy, Polo, Pet

Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.