How to Play Commander MTG: Rules, Deckbuilding, & More (2025)

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The contemporary planeswalker’s guide to Magic’s best format

Co-authored byAshton Wuand Eric McClure

Last Updated: June 4, 2024Fact Checked

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  • What is Commander?
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Commander, also known as EDH, is the single most popular Magic: The Gathering format in the world for a reason. Unlike other formats, like modern or standard, competitive commander decks can be built for less than $200. It’s also much more social and friendly, since up to 5 players can participate. In this article, we’ll show you how to build a commander deck that suits your identity and playstyle. We’ll also cover what makes Commander unique from a gameplay perspective so that you can put your best foot forward.

Things You Should Know

  • Commander is 100-card singleton format that’s designed to be more playful and laid back than other formats.
  • Any legendary creature can be your commander, but every card in your deck must share a color with that creature.
  • Unlike regular games of Magic, every player starts with 40 health, although your commander only needs to deal 21 damage to knock someone out.

Section 1 of 5:

What is Commander?

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  1. Commander is a 2- to 5-player format with unique deck requirements. Commander, also known as EDH (short for Elder Dragon Highlander—the original name of the format), is known for being more casual and enjoyable than some of the more intense formats, like modern or legacy. It was invented by judges who wanted to play something low-key and social after tournaments were over.[1] Here’s how the format works:

    • You choose one commander to lead your deck. A commander can be any legendary creature (so long as the creature isn’t on the banlist).
    • Your commander’s colors (the mana symbols on the card) determine what color cards you can put in your deck. The color identity includes the mana pips in activated abilities (i.e., Tazri, Beacon of Unity counts as a 5-color commander).
    • Build a singleton deck (so only 1 copy of each card besides basic lands) of 99 cards to go with your commander. The 99 cards must share a color with the commander.
    • Gameplay follows standard MTG rules except 2-5 players can play, and everyone starts with 40 health.
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Section 2 of 5:

Choosing a Commander

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  1. 1

    Option #1—Choose your favorite legendary creature. Most MTG players have their pet cards they’ve always wanted to play with. The problem is, most of those really fun cards can’t be put in a deck in traditional formats because they aren’t “competitive” enough for the metagame. This is your chance to pull out that cool legendary creature you never get a chance to play with![2]

    • Don’t worry about your commander being “underpowered.” Most commander players build decks they think are neat or interesting to play, not hyper-competitive.
    • With that said, if you do ever want to play in competitive commander tournaments, check out the 100 most popular commanders to find a list of phenomenal options.
    • Want to skip deckbuilding altogether? Purchase a preconstructed deck. You can play with one of these right out of the box.
  2. 2

    Option #2—Pick a good all-around creature in your favorite colors. Most players have a favorite color or color combination. After all, the 5 colors of Magic are the core design that made the game so popular in the first place. Choose your colors (or color—there’s nothing wrong with playing a monocolor deck!), then select a good all-around commander that matches those colors.[3] For example:

    • Atraxa, Praetors’ Voice, the most popular commander in the game, is just a really good all-around card that lets you play every color except red.
    • If you love green white and enchantments, a commander like Sythis, Harvet’s Hand is perfect! Draw cards and gain life while casting your cards.
    • A lot of players build aggro white decks with Isamaru, Hound of Konda. Just a boring old 2/2 for one white pip!
  3. 3

    Option #3—Select a creature with a mechanic you like playing with. Let’s say you really love games where lands matter. You love using your Wrenn and Six to scoop up lands from the graveyard and loop Wasteland, or you really love ramping out with Azusa, Lost But Seeking. You might choose a commander who interacts uniquely with lands, like Soul of Windgrace, or Titania, Protector of Argoth.[4] Other popular mechanics and themes for decks include:

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  1. 1

    Find other creatures that work well with your commander. Unless you’re building something like an Izzet spell-based deck, you probably want around 40 creatures in your deck. Look for creatures that compliment your commander by either helping you cast them, or playing into their goals. Use the official card search engine to find creatures in your colors.[5]

    • Remember, you need a total of 100 cards. 1 is your commander, but the other 99 are totally up to you!
    • For example, if you’re building a deck around Urza, Lord High Artificer, you probably want a ton of cheap artifact creatures you can tap for mana, and then big heavy hitters you can cast with his second ability and all of that mana you generate.
    • There are no hardline rules when it comes to the exact number of given creatures in a deck, so use 40 as a general guideline, not a hard and fast rule.
  2. 2

    Look for instants and sorceries that supplement your deck’s goals. Every deck can benefit from spells that get rid of opponents’ creatures, find key pieces of your deck, or draw cards. Depending on what your deck is trying to do, you may want 10-20 instants, sorceries, enchantments, or artifacts.[6]

    • Take advantage of cheap removal spells if you’re in colors other than blue. Cards like Path to Exile and Fatal Push are almost always worth a few slots.
    • You may want up to 40 spells if you’re running a spellslinger deck with a commander like Niv-Mizzet, Parun.
  3. 3

    Choose 38-40 lands to help you cast your cards. Failing to include enough lands to cast your spells is one of the biggest mistakes deckbuilders make. Since you want 3-4 lands in your opening hand and you want to play one land every turn, you need at least 36 lands. However, most players run 38-40 so they don’t miss land drops.[7]

    • Basic lands are the only exception to the singleton rules for Commander. You can run any number of basic lands.
    • Some lands can be surprisingly expensive. This is mainly because everyone wants and needs the same lands. Don’t worry about including the revised duals, fetchlands, triomes, and other pricey buys if you want to save some cash.
    • Check out the comprehensive list of dual lands to see what kind of lands exist for your color combination.
  4. 4

    Add up to 12 mana rocks depending on how much ramp you want. In MTG, ramp refers to anything that helps you generate more mana on future turns. While you can ramp in the form of creatures like Elvish Mystic or Devoted Druid, most decks benefit from mana rocks—artifacts that help tap for mana—because they’re harder to remove and easier to cast.[8]

    • You generally want more mana rocks the bigger the creatures in your deck are, and fewer mana rocks the more aggressive your deck is.
    • Sol Ring is the single most popular card in Commander. Every deck wants this rock!
  5. 5

    Fine-tune the list to create a curve that looks right to you. The curve of a deck refers to the converted mana costs of all of your cards. In general, you want a smooth curve of 1-, 2-, 3-. 4-. 5-, and 6-mana cost cards so that you have things you can play at every point in the game.[9]

    • If you play nothing but tiny creatures, you’ll be casting underpowered creatures when everyone else is playing huge haymakers.
    • On the opposite end, if you only put big, beefy creatures in your deck, you won’t be able to play anything for the first 3-4 turns of the game.
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Section 4 of 5:

Playing the Game

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    Set your commander in the command zone. Before the game starts, put your commander in the “command zone.” You can cast your commander to the battlefield from the command zone at any time you’d play a creature. If your commander ever dies, it goes to the command zone again—not the graveyard.[10]

    • You can recast your commander after they’ve died by paying 2 additional colorless mana for each time they’ve died. So, a 3cmc commander will cost 5cmc the first time they die, 7cmc the second time they die, etc.
    • Note: if you have a commander who has the Eminence ability, they’ll impact the board from the command zone as if they were in play.
  2. 2

    Choose someone to play first. Commander is more of a social game than other formats, so you can use whatever method you’d like to choose who plays first. Traditionally, each player rolls dice and whoever rolls the highest number goes first. You and your playgroup can use whatever method you’d like, though.[11]

  3. 3

    Draw 7 cards and resolve any mulligans. Sit down with your friends and shuffle your deck up. Lay it face down and draw the top 7 cards. If you don’t like your hand, mulligan it. Shuffle, and draw 7 new cards. If you’re happy with your new hand, put 1 card at the bottom of your library. You can mulligan any number of times, although you do need to put an additional card at the bottom of the library for each new mulligan.[12]

    • A good opening hand should have a combination of lands, early plays, and payoffs. If you find yourself mulliganing often, it’s a sign your deck’s curve or land count are off.
  4. 4

    Take turns going clockwise playing MTG as normal. The individual components of each turn are identical in every MTG format, and Commander is no different. You play lands, creatures, and sorceries during your main phases, announce attackers, pass your turn, and play the exact same way you’d play a normal game of Magic.[13]

    • Remember the phases of the turn:
      • Untap: Untap all of the lands, creatures, and permanents on your board.
      • Upkeep: Pay any “upkeep” costs. Normally, nothing happens here.
      • Draw: Draw your card for the turn.
      • Main: Play lands, permanents, or spells.
      • Pre-combat: Announce attackers & blockers.
      • Combat: Apply damage, put dead creatures in the graveyard, and subtract HP.
      • Main II: Play lands, permanents, or spells.
      • End step: Pass your turn.
  5. 5

    Continue playing until you die or you’re the last one standing! There are two types of damage in Commander. Every player starts with 40 HP and when someone is hit by a non-commander creature, you subtract from this pool. However, you also have commander damage. If any player takes 21 points of damage from a commander creature specifically they die.[14]

    • Multiplayer games continue until there’s one player left standing!
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  1. 1

    Play in-person with friends or at your local game shop. Contact your local game shop and ask them when they host Commander night (every MTG shop will have one). Show up and pay the $5-10 to enter and wait for the matches to be set up. You’ll be paired with 3 other players to enjoy some Commander gameplay![15]

    • Once you find a crowd who you get along with, ask them if they’d like to form a regular playgroup.
    • You can always just play casually at the kitchen table with 1-4 friends if you have some friends who want to get into MTG.
  2. 2

    Play Commander online with MTGO. MTGO, aka Magic: The Gathering Online, is the original online platform for MTG. You have to buy cards the same way you would IRL, but they’re much cheaper. On top of that, you can play with other players whenever you want![16]

    • MTGO is also the program you’ll need if you ever want to play Modern, which is the second most popular format of Magic.
  3. 3

    Play Brawl on Magic Arena for a free alternative. Magic Arena is a newer online program for Magic: The Gathering. It’s free to play (although there are some in-game purchases), and while it doesn’t offer Commander, it does have the Brawl format. This is like Commander, except it’s 1v1 and you only build a 60-card deck. You also only have access to newer cards.[17]

    • While Magic Arena is free, you can’t purchase individual cards the way you can on MTGO. As a result, it may take a while to earn the in-game currency you need to build the deck you want.
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      • Atraxa, Praetors' Voice is largely considered to be the “best” commander in the game. Other high-ranking commanders include Muldrotha, the Gravetide, Edgar Markov, Thalia and The Gitrog Monster, Lathril, Blade of the Elves, and Tivit, Seller of Secrets.[18]


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      • Most EDH players really enjoy building their deck; they get a ton of enjoyment out of looking for neat interactions and finding cool supporting cards. However, if you don’t, there’s nothing wrong with copying a popular list online or buying a preconstructed deck designed for the format.


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      About This Article

      How to Play Commander MTG: Rules, Deckbuilding, & More (40)

      Co-authored by:

      Ashton Wu

      Game Expert

      This article was co-authored by Ashton Wu and by wikiHow staff writer, Eric McClure. Ashton Wu is a Game Expert at Shelfside. After delving into the Yugioh tournament community while growing up, Ashton launched himself into the board gaming community in 2014 and went into reviewing board games as a career full-time in 2019. His YouTube channel Shelfside has over 35K subscribers and over 4 million views, assisted by written reviews on the Shelfside website and He also consults with gaming companies to build high-quality gaming products. Ashton is a tournament commentator, board game playthrough director, and host of the Shelfside Podcast, where he talks about board games with his business partner, Daniel. He received a Bachelor of Arts in Economics at the University of California, Santa Barbara, in addition to the Technology Management Certificate. This article has been viewed 11,335 times.

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      Updated: June 4, 2024


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      How to Play Commander MTG: Rules, Deckbuilding, & More (2025)


      What are the rules for the Commander deck building? ›

      Deck Construction Rules

      The cards in a deck may not have any colors in their color identity which are not in the color identity of the deck's commander. A Commander deck must contain exactly 100 cards, including the commander. If you're playing a companion, it must adhere to color identity and singleton rules.

      What are the rules for deckbuilding in MTG? ›

      Constructed decks must contain a minimum of 60 cards. There is no maximum deck size, however, the player must be able to shuffle their deck unassisted. Players may have a sideboard of at most 15 cards. Players may transfer cards between their sideboard and their main deck after each round of a match.

      What is the most powerful Commander deck in Magic: The Gathering? ›

      Atraxa is arguably the most powerful Commander in Magic: The Gathering outside of a pure cEDH setting. Atraxa, Praetors' Voice is a GWUB Angel Horror creature with Flying, Vigilance, Deathtouch, and Lifelink keywords.

      What is rule 9 in Commander MTG? ›

      Basically the Rule of Nine says that they way to begin a deck design to start with a list of just nine cards. Each of these cards becomes a full play set (4 cards) yielding 36 cards in your deck. After that place 24 basic lands and you have a deck that will consistently use your ideas to win or lose.

      How should a Commander deck be built? ›

      There are no hard-and-fast rules for building a Commander deck, apart from the singleton nature and a list of banned cards, like any other Magic: The Gathering format. The average deck should have somewhere between 34-42 lands, depending on its level of mana ramp, and its synergy with lands specifically.

      What is rule 0 Commander deck? ›

      Essentially, they are decks that break the normal rules of the game and require permission from the table to allow them. Some examples of Rule 0 possibilities include using banned cards and silver-bordered or acorn stamped cards, or adding a mechanic that does not appear on the card (but probably should).

      What is a good ratio for a Commander deck? ›

      MTG's Commander decks, just like 60-card Constructed decks, should contain around 35% to 40% land cards -- though Commander decks tend to have a slightly higher ratio of lands, just in case.

      How many times should you shuffle a MTG deck? ›

      It was a "hairy bit of math" for mathematicians to come up with a mathematical answer to this question, but the agreed-upon answer for number of riffles it takes to get to random is... about 7 times to get a really random order of cards. And there's no advantage to shuffling any more than that.

      How many legendary creatures can be in a Commander deck? ›

      In Commander, you can only have one copy of any card except basic lands. The total number of legendary creatures in a deck is not restricted. While you can have four of any legendary in your deck, don't forget that if you already have a legendary card of the same name out, you will have to choose one to sacrifice.

      What is the best number of lands in a Commander deck? ›

      But in general, for medium-power midrange Commander decks, try not to go below 37 lands. Missing your third or fourth land drop sucks, and you will stumble on lands far too often if you play fewer than 37 lands.

      What is a good amount of mana for a Commander deck? ›

      Cherish Your Commander

      Specifically, the "ideal" deck with a two-cost Commander and 42 lands features zero mana rocks other than Sol Ring, while the six-cost Commander's "optimal" list has ten mana rocks in total alongside 38 lands.

      What is the ideal number of creatures in a Commander deck? ›

      A sweet spot for most Commander decks is to run at least 20-30 creatures with an average being 25. That means about a fifth to a quarter of your deck should be creatures to defend your battlefield.

      What is the 21 damage rule in Commander? ›

      A player that's been dealt 21 or more combat damage by the same commander over the course of the game loses the game. The commander is tracked across zone changes for this purpose (for example, if one player takes control of another player's commander, any damage that commander already dealt is still counted).

      What is 903.9 Commander rule? ›

      903.9. A commander may return to the command zone during a Commander game. 903.9a If a commander is in a graveyard or in exile and that object was put into that zone since the last time state-based actions were checked, its owner may put it into the command zone. This is a state-based action.

      What is Rule 10 in Commander? ›

      The Commander Damage Rule

      This is a rule that is specific (some call it rule 10) to the Commander format that states that if a player has been dealt a total of 21 or more damage by the same commander over the course of the game, that player loses the game. This damage is counted as a separate state-based effect.

      How many of each card should you have in a Commander deck? ›

      Commander decks are exactly 100 cards: 1 commander + 99 other cards (or two partner commanders + 98 other cards). Only one copy of each card (by name) can be included, aside from basic lands. All cards within the deck must match the commander's color identity.

      How many basic land cards should be in a Commander deck? ›

      You typically want to use 36 lands as a baseline.

      Elder Dragon Highlander (EDH) or Commander players generally agree that you want somewhere between 32 and 42 lands in your deck. As a rule of thumb, it's safe to start at 36 lands and then adjust up or down based on your personal preferences and the curve of your deck.

      What happens if your Commander is shuffled into your deck? ›

      What Happens if My Commander is Shuffled into My Deck? You always have the option to put your Commander back into your command zone instead of the library.

      What is the land ratio for Commander decks? ›

      He gives us a formula to convert for Commander decks, which I will be using throughout this article. The formula is X*99/60, where X is the number of lands in a 60-card deck. As an example, if you have 24 lands in your 60-card deck, you have 24*99/60, which equals 39.6, which rounds up to 40.


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